Our website accepts the registration of all countries' websites with their own domain names. |
Before your registration, please put our 5talents.com's hyperlink in your website at a place which is easy to find. |
Your website must have at least 5 other Gospel websites' hyperlinks in its Link Page. |
We accept the registration of commercial websites (including companies of all sizes). |
We do not accept the registration of subordinate webpages, e.g. the informal, free-storage webpages under Blogger or GeoCities. |
No personal website's registration is accepted. |
Every website can only be registered once. |
If we find any incorrect / misleading information in registered website (e.g. the contents, its belief, the corresponding person's / organization's professional ethics), we will reserve the rights to delete its registration without any explanation. This policy will be executed seriously. We hereby apologize for any resulted inconvenience! |
Please fill in below registration form in English. |
Our webmaster has the rights to reject any registration. |
Jesus Loves You! |